Do Cockatoos Like Music? A Look at Their Musical Preferences


Are you a bird lover? Do you have a pet cockatoo at home? If so, you might be wondering whether your feathered friend enjoys listening to music. The good news is that cockatoos do like music! In fact, they can become quite excited when they hear a beat they enjoy.


Cockatoos are expressive parrots, and they love to dance to their favorite tunes. When they hear music they like, they will often bob their heads and move their whole bodies to the rhythm.

You can observe your cockatoo’s likes and dislikes by paying attention to their behavior when music is playing.

Some birds might prefer certain genres or specific songs, so it’s worth experimenting to see what your cockatoo responds to the most.

Do Cockatoos Like Music?

If you’re a cockatoo lover, you might have noticed your feathered friend bobbing their head, moving their wings, and even performing tricks when they hear music. But do cockatoos really like music? Let’s explore the musicality of cockatoos and their relationship with music.

The Musicality of Cockatoos

Researchers have found that cockatoos have a strong connection between their auditory and motor skills. This means that they are highly sensitive to sound and can easily mimic and respond to different types of music. In fact, cockatoos have been observed to enjoy a wide range of music genres, from classical to pop.

Cockatoos and Beat Induction

Cockatoos have also demonstrated the ability to detect and synchronize with a beat. This is known as beat induction, and it is a rare skill among animals. Studies have shown that cockatoos can bob their heads and move their bodies in time with music, demonstrating a clear understanding of rhythm.

Cockatoos and Dancing

Cockatoos are not only capable of responding to music with their bodies, but they also have a natural inclination to dance. They have been observed swaying and bobbing their heads to music, and some even incorporate their own unique dance moves.

Cockatoos and Mimicry

One of the most impressive abilities of cockatoos is their mimicry skills. They can easily learn and repeat complex melodies and even imitate instruments. Some cockatoos have been known to sing along with their favourite songs and even add their own unique flourishes.

It’s clear that cockatoos have a strong affinity for music and are highly responsive to different types of music genres. Their natural inclination to dance and impressive mimicry skills make them a joy to watch and listen to. If you’re a cockatoo owner, playing music for your feathered friend can be a great way to bond and share a love of music together.

Cockatoos in the Wild

Cockatoos are fascinating birds that are found in the wild in different parts of the world. They are social parrots that live in flocks and have a unique way of communicating with each other. Here are some interesting facts about cockatoos in the wild:

Social Parrots

Cockatoos are social birds that live in flocks of up to several hundred birds. They communicate with each other using a range of vocalizations and body language. They are also known to share food with each other, which is an important aspect of their social behavior.

Cockatoos and Fruit

Cockatoos in the wild feed on a variety of foods, including seeds, nuts, and fruits. They are particularly fond of fruits such as figs, mangos, and papayas. In fact, some species of cockatoos have been known to raid fruit orchards, causing significant damage to crops.

Palm Cockatoos and Crests


Palm cockatoos are a unique species of cockatoo that are known for their distinctive crest. They are also known for their ability to use tools, such as sticks, to extract food from trees. Palm cockatoos are also known for their unique drumming behavior, which they use to attract mates. They have been observed using sticks to beat on hollow trees, creating a rhythmic beat that is similar to human music.

Cockatoos are fascinating birds that exhibit a range of interesting behaviors in the wild. They are social parrots that live in flocks, feed on a variety of foods, and have unique behaviors such as drumming and tool use. Whether you are a bird lover or just curious about these amazing creatures, learning more about cockatoos in the wild is sure to be an interesting and rewarding experience.

Cockatoos in Captivity

Cockatoos are popular pets due to their playful and curious nature. However, they require a lot of attention and care to thrive in captivity. In this section, we will explore the relationship between cockatoos and humans, their love for music, and their ability to learn tricks.

Cockatoos and Humans

Cockatoos are highly social birds and require a lot of attention and interaction from their owners. They crave attention and love to play with their owners. However, they can also become aggressive if they feel neglected or bored. It is important to provide them with plenty of toys, perches, and other forms of stimulation to keep them happy and healthy.

Cockatoos and Music

Cockatoos have a strong affinity for music and can often be seen bobbing their heads and dancing to their favorite tunes. They have a strong auditory-motor connection, which makes them sensitive to sounds. They can even learn to mimic some songs and tunes. However, it is important to note that not all cockatoos enjoy the same type of music. Some may prefer classical music, while others may prefer rock or pop.

Cockatoos and Tricks

Cockatoos are highly intelligent birds and can learn a variety of tricks with proper training and patience. They can learn to wave, play dead, and even retrieve objects. However, it is important to use positive reinforcement and avoid punishment-based training methods. Cockatoos respond well to treats and praise, and they enjoy learning new things.

Cockatoos can make great pets for the right owner. However, they require a lot of attention and care to thrive in captivity. They love music and can learn a variety of tricks with proper training. If you are considering getting a cockatoo, make sure you are prepared to provide them with the attention and care they need to live a happy and healthy life.

Research on Cockatoos and Music

The Biological Basis of Cockatoos and Music

Cockatoos are known to have a strong sense of hearing and are capable of mimicking sounds they hear in their environment. This is because they have a highly developed auditory system that allows them to distinguish between different sounds. Additionally, research has shown that cockatoos have a strong emotional response to music, suggesting that they may have a biological basis for their enjoyment of music.

The Snowball Effect

One of the most famous examples of a cockatoo enjoying music is Snowball, a sulphur-crested cockatoo who became an internet sensation for his dance moves to songs like “Everybody” by the Backstreet Boys. Snowball’s owner noticed that he would start dancing whenever she played music, and researchers later confirmed that Snowball was able to synchronize his movements to the beat of the music.

Eleonora and the Backstreet Boys

Another cockatoo named Eleonora has also been shown to enjoy music. In a study conducted by researchers at the University of Vienna, Eleonora was found to prefer music with a strong beat, such as “Everybody” by the Backstreet Boys. The researchers found that Eleonora was able to synchronize her movements to the beat of the music, suggesting that she was able to perceive the beat and respond accordingly.

The University of Amsterdam Study

A study conducted by researchers at the University of Amsterdam found that cockatoos are capable of learning to dance to music. The researchers played music for a group of cockatoos and found that they were able to learn to move their bodies in time with the music. The researchers suggest that this ability may be related to the cockatoos’ natural ability to mimic sounds in their environment.

Overall, research suggests that cockatoos have a strong emotional response to music and are capable of learning to dance to it. While the biological basis of this response is not fully understood, it is clear that cockatoos derive pleasure from listening to and moving to music.

Do Cockatoos Like Music? Conclusion

Based on the available evidence, it is safe to say that cockatoos do like music. They are expressive parrots that enjoy dancing to their favorite tunes. Cockatoos are vocal birds that have strong auditory-motor connections, which makes them sensitive to sound. Listening to music makes them feel happy and joyful, just like it does for humans.

Male palm cockatoos, in particular, are known for using tools to create their own music. They use sticks or seedpods to rhythmically whack hollow tree branches, producing a steady beat. This behavior is mainly observed when they are courting a mate. It is fascinating to see how these birds can use tools to create something beautiful and unique.

It is important to note that not all cockatoos may like the same type of music. Just like humans, they may have their own preferences. However, it is clear that music can have a positive impact on their mood and behavior. If you have a pet cockatoo, playing some music for them may be a great way to keep them happy and entertained.

Cockatoos are fascinating creatures that enjoy music and have the ability to create their own beat. Listening to music can bring them joy and happiness, and it is a great way to keep them engaged and entertained. Whether you are a bird enthusiast or simply enjoy music, watching a cockatoo dance to their favorite tunes is a beautiful sight that can make anyone smile.

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